Mother Earth Foundation (MEF) is an NGO of men and women from the Philippines who seek to raise the level of public awareness on environmental issues and mobilize people to act positively on the resolution of these issues.
Mother Earth is an active member of Eco Waste Coalition, GAIA (Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives), PNCC (Philippine Network for Climate Change), Partnership for Clean Air, ZWIA (Zero Waste International Alliance)and IPEN (International POPs Elimination Network). MEF lobbied for the passage of the Clean Air Act and the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. We were instrumental in changing the title from “Integrated” to “Ecological”.
Mother Earth is also an active member of the Northern Samar Coalition for Alleviation of Poverty, a multi sectoral partnership formed to address specific issues faced by the people of Northern Samar.
We believe that the highest ethics is the common good. No town is too far to reach, no group too small to teach. For us, glocalization is the name of the game – a global perspective, with a firm reality check when the vision is translated into action. We work to propagate the knowledge, through a vision that is as high, as far and as wide as can be, coupled with work that is as local as can be.
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